Why do we spend most of our time obsessing over improving our raw foods for cats? Because we believe that cats can save the world! Nowadays our lives are filled with stress, especially if you live in the city. It makes settling down at night quite hard. With that comes sleep disorders and sometimes depression. Studies have shown that every third person suffers from extreme stress.
There is nothing better than coming home from a hard day and putting your cat on your lap to enjoy his purring. Purring is truly a unique phenomenon. It is said to cause deep massage, andt it really does cure the most hidden of stress in our body.
Cat Therapy
Me oleme halvasti kohanenud eluga linnatingimustes. Et sellise linnaeluga siiski hakkama saada, otsime me igal võimalusel kontakti loomulikkuse ja loodusega. Kassid, kelle metsikud sugulased on ju looduse kuningad, pakuvad selleks suurepärase võimaluse. Nende loomuses on palju salajast iseteadlikust ja loomulikku rahulikkust. Pelgalt nende seltskonnas viibides rahuneb häiritud meel väga kiiresti. Seda kutsutakse ka kassiraviks.
Laialt levinud on ka arvamus, et tegelikult valivad kassid ise, kelle juurde elama minna. Lisaks toidule ja peavarjule peavarjule peavad korras olema ka omavahelised suhted. Varjatud vaevustega kassid pole sotsiaalsed, nad hoiavad omaette või muutuvad agressiivseks. Paraku ei oska isegi kõige hoolivamad kassivanemad seda pahatihti märgata, sest kassid ei kurda oma vaevustest inimkeeles.
Its hard to get used to living in a big city. Generally, by getting close to nature we add normalcy to our existence. We do know that cats are distant relatives to the king of the forest – aka the lion. That gives us the perfect opportunity to have a little nature in our homes. Slowly our stress dissipates when we are around them. It is also called a Cat Therapy.
Besides food and shelter you need to be able to get along with these animals. Sometimes cats aren’t social and typically independent creatures. Even the best owners of cats don’t know what to do because cats are unable to express what they feel through words. What we can do is provide a healthy diet for our furry friends and love them with all our hearts.
Wishing peace of mind,
Kenno Ruul, DVM
Is your cat still happy?