Pet Food Analyzer

  FOOD THAT KEEPS YOUR PET HEALTHY Even the most famous brands are selling unhealthy pet foods! Want to know if your choice is safe? ► ◄ Posted by Food That Keeps Your Pet Healthy on Reede, 3. mai 2019  

Why should cats eat chunky raw food

The living being is a very complex phenomenon. In order to ensure their well-being, they must know how his wild ancestors behaved. Cats in the wild catch a prey and eat it quite immediately. However, they must CHEW the prey. It seems surprising to many cat-owners! Cats have extraordinarily effective tools in their mouth – […]

The Magic of Raw Cat Food

There are two types of people: dog lovers and cat lovers. I am definitely the cat lover. I have a very cute cat called Manny. A few years ago she had a very bad allergy. She was scratching herself violently and her whole body was covered with tiny cuts. She looked ragged and tortured. She […]


Kui sa oled kassivanem, siis on suurepärane võimalus parandada oma lemmiku heaolu  ja võimaldada talle pikk ja haigustevaba elu. Kuid ka teised linnakassid vajavad toortoitu. Kui sul on vähegi võimalik, siis palun aita meil kassidele loomuomaseim toit turule tuua.     Kui sind sütitavad meie põhimõtted, aga sul pole võimalik panustada, kuid soovid meid siiski aidata, siis palun jaga meie […]

Kasside poetoidusõltuvus

Loomaarstina olen täiesti veendunud, et ületöödeldud kuivtoitu, olenemata selle koostisest, ei tohiks kassidele üldse anda. Pikemaajalisem kuivtoidu söömine põhjustab kassile kurnava ainevahetusliku stressi tekke. See omakorda põhjustab loomuliku vastupanuvõime languse ja erinevate krooniliste terviserikete tekke. Miks siis kassid teevad sellise ebatervisliku valiku? Nende loomuses on kalduvus sattuda sõltuvusse toidust, mida kassipidaja neile esmalt pakub. Seda […]

Cats Usually Live only with Kindhearted People

Why do we spend most of our time obsessing over improving our raw foods for cats? Because we believe that cats can save the world! Nowadays our lives are filled with stress, especially if you live in the city. It makes settling down at night quite hard. With that comes sleep disorders and sometimes depression. Studies have shown that every third person suffers […]

Kenno Ruul, DVM

There are two types of people: dog lovers and cat lovers. I am definitely the cat lover. I have a very cute cat called Manny. A few years ago she had a very bad allergy. She was scratching herself violently and her whole body was covered with tiny cuts. She looked ragged and tortured. She […]